Sunday, 8 May 2011

Finding my Feet.

Well, I only moved in yesterday and still have quite a few boxes to unpack but feel I am getting there! Moving home is a great opportunity to have a good clear out to make way for new ideas. It is also a good time to decide what my aims and objectives for the rest of the year are in terms of life/creative pursuits - if I put it out there for all to read I will feel compelled to take action. Life is taking a few unexpected twists and turns at the moment and I need to work out what I think about it all. I am compiling a list which I will post at a later date but for now I am putting away the duster and sitting down with a cup of coffee to mull things over.
In the meantime here are a couple of gratuitous pretty pics. One of Dartmoor National Park ....

and one of the snooty Miss Flossie - my friends' lurcher.....

Who do you think you're looking at?


  1. So you've just moved in and already you have worked out how to right-align your name plate! Do you think you could be neighbourly and tell me how you were able to decide where to place your text? I have never worked that one out!

  2. Happy new home! Looks so very different from Typepad. What made you switch! Mind you, change is a good thing, and moving house...well, a chance for a clear out and a fresh start!

  3. Yay! Glad you made it over :) x

  4. Hey Suzanne, best wishes on the move, it's looking good.

    All he best with the decision and list making for the future.

    Claire :]


Hello - all comments are appreciated so if you have the time and the inclination........